Nix: Managing multiple channels
February 10, 2015This post will document how to add multiple channels for the Nix package manager and the way to install (or do any other operations) specific software from a particular channel.
First, go to this url to find out the specific channel which you want to add. Since by default nix adds the unstable channel, I will add up the stable channel for my profile. Note that the stable channel will be the latest nixos package version. After finding it’s url, add it like this:
$ nix-channel --add
And then update it:
$ nix-channel --update nixos-14.12
Now this will update and download the related nix package expressions related to it. To see the actual downloaded path, you can do something like this:
sibi::monoid { ~ }-> cd ~/.nix-defexpr/
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr }-> ls
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr }-> cd channels
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr/channels }-> ls
binary-caches manifest.nix nixos-14.12 nixpkgs
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr/channels }-> cd nixos-14.12
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-14.12 }->
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-14.12 }-> ls
default.nix nixos nixpkgs programs.sqlite
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-14.12 }-> cd nixpkgs/
sibi::monoid { ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-14.12/nixpkgs }->
Note that the nixpkgs
directory above under the channels
contains expressions for the unstable channel. Now to install or
search package from that stable channel, you can do something like this:
$ nix-env -f nixpkgs_channel_directory -iA package_name
which can be something like this:
$ nix-env -f ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos-14.12/nixpkgs/ -i firefox
for installing from the stable channel.
Thanks to Lethalman from #nixos for pointing me to the right direction.