Could be local time, but we should avoid making such
It could be useful for "floating times". Could refer to 10'o
clock local time for anytime zone. (Useful for television show
broadcast). It's time value doesn't change when you use it in
other time zone.
Universal Perspective
Example 2013-12-31 16:00:00 UTC
Instead of UTC above, it's also specified as GMT or marked
by a letter Z which stands for Zulu time. Zulu time is just a
military way of specifying GMT.
It's completely unambiguos. Represents a fixed moment of time
regardless of any time zones.
Local Perspective (Sibi: Todo - Go through the video again)
By Offset (2013-12-31 22:00:00 -06:00)
Offset to UTC is mentioned
By Time Zone (2013-12-31 22:00:00 Central)
Good to know background information about Central
By Time Zone Segment (2013-12-31 22:00:00 CST)
CST: Central Standard time
Recommendation: Avoid time zone abbreviations when storing
inside computer. (Fine to show it in UI, but not recommended
Future scheduled events. It's best to use this instead of UTC
timestamp because your events might run at wrong time after a
Daylight saving transition.