1 Alerting and Alertmanager
- Alerting is providded by a tool called Alertmanager.
- Alerting rules are defined on your prometheus server.
2 How the Alertmanager works
3 Installing Alertmanager
- Available as a standalone Go binary.
- Downloadable from Github releases
$ cd alertmanager-0.21.0.linux-amd64
$ ls
alertmanager* alertmanager.yml amtool* LICENSE NOTICE
- amtool is used to help manage the alertmanager and schedule maintenance windows from the command line.
$ alertmanager --version
alertmanager, version 0.21.0 (branch: HEAD, revision: 4c6c03ebfe21009c546e4d1e9b92c371d67c021d)
build user: root@dee35927357f
build date: 20200617-08:54:02
go version: go1.14.4
4 Configuring the Alertmanager
- alertmanager.yml is used to configure it. Default configuration
$ bat alertmanager.yml ───────┬────────────────────────────────────────────── │ File: alertmanager.yml ───────┼────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 │ global: 2 │ resolve_timeout: 5m 3 │ 4 │ route: 5 │ group_by: ['alertname'] 6 │ group_wait: 10s 7 │ group_interval: 10s 8 │ repeat_interval: 1h 9 │ receiver: 'web.hook' 10 │ receivers: 11 │ - name: 'web.hook' 12 │ webhook_configs: 13 │ - url: '' 14 │ inhibit_rules: 15 │ - source_match: 16 │ severity: 'critical' 17 │ target_match: 18 │ severity: 'warning' 19 │ equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance'] ───────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────
- Official reference of the above configuration
- route block tells alertmanager what to do with specific incoming alerts.
- receiver block specifies alert destination.
5 Running Alertmanger
$ alertmanager --config.file alertmanager.yml
Access web interface on http://localhost:9093
5.1 Configuring prometheus for Alertmanager
Edit prometheus.yml:
- static_configs:
- targets:
- alertmanager:9093
Re-run the prometheus server and you can see the configured alertmanager in http://localhost:9090/status
5.2 Monitoring Alertmanager
Even alertmanager exposes metrics, let's configure prometheus.yml
to scrape it:
- job_name: 'alertmanager'
- targets: ['localhost:9093']
This will scrape a series of time series prefixed with alertmanager_
6 Adding alerting rules
$ touch node_alerts.yml
Edit prometheus.yml:
- "rules/node_alerts.yml"
$ bat rules/node_alerts.yml
│ File: rules/node_alerts.yml
1 │ groups:
2 │ - name: node_alerts
3 │ rules:
4 │ - alert: HighNodeCpu
5 │ expr: instance:node_cpu:avg_rate5m > 80
6 │ for: 60m
7 │ labels:
8 │ severity: warning
9 │ annotations:
10 │ summary: High Node CPU for 1 hour
11 │ console: You might want to check the Node Dashboard at http://working-grafana-url.com
- Note that the metric instance:nodecpu:avgrate5m was already created in Chapter 4
- Group name: nodealerts
- Alert name: HighNodeCpu
- In each alert group, the alert name needs to be unique.
- expr clause contains the expression that will trigger the alert.
- for clause controls the length of time the test expression must be true for before the alert is fired.
- label clause allows us to specify additional labels to be attached to the alert.
- annotation clause allows us to specify informational labels like a description, a link to a run book, or instructions on how to handle the alert.
7 Alert States
- Inactive: The alert is not active
- Pending: The alert has met the expression but is still waiting for the duration specified in the for clause.
- Firing: Alert has met the expression and has been in Pending
state for longer than the druation of the for clause.
You can see the above states in Prometheus dashboard
8 Routing
- Alertmanager needs to route to various destinations.
- Routing acts like a tree. The top, default route is always
configured and matches anything that isn't matched by a child route.
route: group_by: ['alertname'] group_wait: 10s group_interval: 10s repeat_interval: 1h receiver: 'email' routes: - match: severity: critical receiver: pager - match_re: severity: ^(warning|critical)$ receiver: support_team receivers: - name: 'email' email_configs: - to: 'alerts@example.com' - name: 'pager' email_configs: - to: 'alert-pager@example.com' - name: 'support_team' email_configs: - to: 'support@example.com'
- groupby controls how the Alertmanager groups alerts. In the above example all alerts from a specific instance will be grouped together.
- groupwait is to see if other alerts from that group are received before firing the alerts.
- groupinterval: After alerts are fired, if new alerts from the
next evaulation are received for the grouping, Alertmanager will
wait for the peroid mentioned in the
option before sending the new alerts. This is to prevent alert floods for grouping of alerts. - repeatinterval is a pause that is applied to each single alert and is the period to wait to resend the same alert.
8.1 Resolution alerts
- These are alerts generated when the alert condition has been resolved.
- Configured via sendresolved in your receiver configuration
- Sending resolution alerts is not recommended.
9 Silences and maintenance
- Prometheus calls muting of alerts as a "silence" .
- Useful if you want to take your service down for maintenance and don't want alarms to be triggered.
- Silences can be set for specific period or you can manually expire it.
You can schedule silences using
- Alertmanager dashboard: http://localhost:9093/
- amtool CLI (Tutorial here)