1 Alerting and Alertmanager

  • Alerting is providded by a tool called Alertmanager.
  • Alerting rules are defined on your prometheus server.

2 How the Alertmanager works


3 Installing Alertmanager

  $ cd alertmanager-0.21.0.linux-amd64
  $ ls
  alertmanager*  alertmanager.yml  amtool*  LICENSE  NOTICE
  • amtool is used to help manage the alertmanager and schedule maintenance windows from the command line.
  $ alertmanager --version
  alertmanager, version 0.21.0 (branch: HEAD, revision: 4c6c03ebfe21009c546e4d1e9b92c371d67c021d)
  build user:       root@dee35927357f
  build date:       20200617-08:54:02
  go version:       go1.14.4

4 Configuring the Alertmanager

  • alertmanager.yml is used to configure it. Default configuration file:
    $ bat alertmanager.yml
           │ File: alertmanager.yml
       1   │ global:
       2   │   resolve_timeout: 5m
       3   │
       4   │ route:
       5   │   group_by: ['alertname']
       6   │   group_wait: 10s
       7   │   group_interval: 10s
       8   │   repeat_interval: 1h
       9   │   receiver: 'web.hook'
      10   │ receivers:
      11   │ - name: 'web.hook'
      12   │   webhook_configs:
      13   │   - url: ''
      14   │ inhibit_rules:
      15   │   - source_match:
      16   │       severity: 'critical'
      17   │     target_match:
      18   │       severity: 'warning'
      19   │     equal: ['alertname', 'dev', 'instance']
  • Official reference of the above configuration
  • route block tells alertmanager what to do with specific incoming alerts.
  • receiver block specifies alert destination.

5 Running Alertmanger

  $ alertmanager --config.file alertmanager.yml

Access web interface on http://localhost:9093

5.1 Configuring prometheus for Alertmanager

Edit prometheus.yml:

  - static_configs:
    - targets:
      - alertmanager:9093

Re-run the prometheus server and you can see the configured alertmanager in http://localhost:9090/status

5.2 Monitoring Alertmanager

Even alertmanager exposes metrics, let's configure prometheus.yml to scrape it:

  - job_name: 'alertmanager'
    - targets: ['localhost:9093']

This will scrape a series of time series prefixed with alertmanager_

6 Adding alerting rules

  $ touch node_alerts.yml

Edit prometheus.yml:

   - "rules/node_alerts.yml"
$ bat rules/node_alerts.yml
       │ File: rules/node_alerts.yml
   1   │ groups:
   2   │ - name: node_alerts
   3   │   rules:
   4   │   - alert: HighNodeCpu
   5   │     expr: instance:node_cpu:avg_rate5m > 80
   6   │     for: 60m
   7   │     labels:
   8   │      severity: warning
   9   │     annotations:
  10   │      summary: High Node CPU for 1 hour
  11   │      console: You might want to check the Node Dashboard at http://working-grafana-url.com
  • Note that the metric instance:nodecpu:avgrate5m was already created in Chapter 4
  • Group name: nodealerts
  • Alert name: HighNodeCpu
  • In each alert group, the alert name needs to be unique.
  • expr clause contains the expression that will trigger the alert.
  • for clause controls the length of time the test expression must be true for before the alert is fired.
  • label clause allows us to specify additional labels to be attached to the alert.
  • annotation clause allows us to specify informational labels like a description, a link to a run book, or instructions on how to handle the alert.

7 Alert States

  • Inactive: The alert is not active
  • Pending: The alert has met the expression but is still waiting for the duration specified in the for clause.
  • Firing: Alert has met the expression and has been in Pending state for longer than the druation of the for clause.

    You can see the above states in Prometheus dashboard

8 Routing

  • Alertmanager needs to route to various destinations.
  • Routing acts like a tree. The top, default route is always configured and matches anything that isn't matched by a child route.
      group_by: ['alertname']
      group_wait: 10s
      group_interval: 10s
      repeat_interval: 1h
      receiver: 'email'
        - match:
            severity: critical
          receiver: pager
        - match_re:
            severity: ^(warning|critical)$
          receiver: support_team
    - name: 'email'
      - to: 'alerts@example.com'
    - name: 'pager'
      - to: 'alert-pager@example.com'
    - name: 'support_team'
      - to: 'support@example.com'
  • groupby controls how the Alertmanager groups alerts. In the above example all alerts from a specific instance will be grouped together.
  • groupwait is to see if other alerts from that group are received before firing the alerts.
  • groupinterval: After alerts are fired, if new alerts from the next evaulation are received for the grouping, Alertmanager will wait for the peroid mentioned in the group_interval option before sending the new alerts. This is to prevent alert floods for grouping of alerts.
  • repeatinterval is a pause that is applied to each single alert and is the period to wait to resend the same alert.

8.1 Resolution alerts

9 Silences and maintenance

  • Prometheus calls muting of alerts as a "silence" .
  • Useful if you want to take your service down for maintenance and don't want alarms to be triggered.
  • Silences can be set for specific period or you can manually expire it.

You can schedule silences using