1 Introduction to Prometheus

  • Developed internally at SoundCloud.
  • Written in Go
  • Incubated under CNCF

2 Prometheus architecture

  • Prometheus works by scraping or pulling time series data exposed from applications.
  • The time series data is exposed by the application themselves often via client libraries or via proxies called exporters as HTTP endpoints.
  • Prometheus also has a push gateway you can use to receive small volumes of data - for example, data from targets that can't be pulled, like transient jobs or targets behind firwall.

2.1 Metrics collection

  • Prometheus calls the source of metrics it can scrape endpoints.
  • To scrape an endpoint, prometheus defines configuration called a target.
  • Groups of targets are called jobs.
  • The resulting time series data is collected and stored locally in the prometheus server. It can also be sent from the server to external storage or to another time series database.

2.2 Service discovery

Discovery of resources to be monitored can be handled in a varitey of ways:

  • A user provided static list of resources.
  • File based discover
  • Automated discovery. Eg: consul

2.3 Aggregation and alerting

  • The server can also query and aggregate the time series data and can create rules to record commonly used queries and aggregations.
  • Prometheus can also define rules for alerting.
  • Prometheus doesn't come with an inbuilt alerting tool. Instead, alerts are pushed from the prometheus server to a separate server called Alertmanager.
  • Alertmanager can manager, consolidate and distribute alerts to a variety of destinations.

2.4 Quering data

  • Prometheus serves comes with an inbuilt querying language called PromQL.
  • The server also comes with an expression browser, a graphing interface for you to explore the data.

2.5 Autonomy

Each prometheus server is designed to be as autonomous as possible.

2.6 Redundancy and high availability

  • Redundancy and high availability center on alerting resilence than data durability.
  • The prometheus team recommends deploying Prometheus server to specific purposes and teams rather than to a single monolithic prometheus server.

2.7 Visualization

Visualization is provided via an inbuilt expression brower and integration with the open source dashboard Grafana.

3 The Prometheus data model

  • Prometheus collects time series data. To handle this data it has a multi dimensional time series data model.
  • The time series data model combines time series name and key/value pairs called labels; these labels provide the dimensions.
  • Each time series is uniquely identified by the combination of time series name and any assigned labels.

3.1 Metric names

The time series name usually describe the general nature of the time series data being collected. Ex: websitevisitstotal as the total number of website visits.

3.2 Labels

  • Labels enable the Prometheus dimensional data model. The add context to specific time series.
  • Example: websitevisitstotal time series could have labels that identify the name of the website, IP of the requestor etc.

Labels comes in two broad types:

  • Instrumentation labels: comes from the resource being monitored. They are added to the time series before they are scraped such as by a client or exporter. Eg: HTTP-related time series might have a label showing specific HTTP verb used.
  • Target labels: related more to your architecture. Target labels are added by Prometheus during and after the scrape. Eg: Label identifying the data center where the time series originated.

3.3 Samples

The actual value of the time series is called a sample. It consists of

  • A float64 value.
  • A millisecond-precision timestamp.

3.4 Notation

Time series notation

<time seriesa name>{<label name>=<label value>, ...}


total_website_visits{site="MegaApp", location="NJ", instance="webserver", job="web"}

All time series generally have the following label:

  • instance : Identifies the source host or application
  • job: name of the job that scraped the specific time series.

3.5 Metrics retention

  • Prometheus is designed for short term monitoring and alerting needs. By default it keeps 15 days of time series locally in its database.
  • If you want to keep it longer, you can send the required data to third party applications.

4 Security model

Two braod assumptions are made about trust:

  • That untrusted users will be able to access the Prometheus server's HTTP API and hence all the data in the database.
  • That only trusted users will have access to the cli, configuration files, rule files and the runtime configuration of Prometheus and it's componenets.